What You Need to Ask Yourself Before Filing For Divorce

Ending a marriage can be a heart-breaking experience for many couples. If there are kids involved, then it can be even more painful.

Other than the psychological and emotional effects, divorce can affect several other areas of a couple’s life. Therefore, it is crucial that you think long and hard before parting ways with your spouse.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before taking the plunge:

Can I Afford the Financial Cost?

Divorce is expensive. There is no other way to say it. From solicitor’s legal fees to child support payment, the cost of ending a marriage is high.

Before you file for divorce, assess your finances. This includes the assets and cash you own and share with your spouse.

From financial assets and property to bank accounts, make sure you know your financial situation before filing your papers.

Have I Done Everything I Could To Repair My Marriage?

Marriage is a constant learning process. It is not easy. Couples have to work together to make their marriage work.

Have you and your spouse tried couples therapy? Have you tried examining your own behaviour?

Divorce is a life changing decision and comes with serious consequences. Spend at least six months to make your marriage work. However, sometimes people have no choice but to file for divorce.

Is The Marriage Toxic?

Assess the long-term impact of staying in the marriage. If it is toxic to your health and sanity, then you should file for divorce. This is particularly true if you have children.

If you are living with someone who constantly lies to you, or is unfaithful, you are better off alone. Similarly, an abusive marriage can put a serious toll on any person’s mental and physical health.

Can I Find A Reliable Divorce Solicitor?

Many people assume that divorce solicitors are a waste of money. The fact is that divorce cases can get messy and complicated.

You will need expert legal advice and assistance to safeguard your legal interests. A certified, skilled and honest solicitor can fight for your legal rights.

Wembley Solicitors offers high quality legal services for resolving divorce issues. We offer a fixed legal service, without any hidden costs. From child custody to properly division, we can help clients an array of issues pertaining to divorce. Contact us now to schedule a consultation.

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