What You Should Do When Listing Your Home as a House Share

With house and flat shares becoming the living arrangement of choice for students, working professionals, and every other Tom, Dick, and Harry in town, we don’t fault you for wanting to take advantage of this new housing trend by listing your home as a house share.

It’s big, it’s beautiful. And with the licence you’ve obtained from the council, you’re ready to advertise to new occupants on Facebook to see who bites!

But wait, are you sure this is the right step?

Listing is the easy part, so is gaining the license. The hard part is finding occupants who consider your home a good choice!

Here’s what you should do when listing your home as a house share.

Take ‘Good’ Photos

Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. So ask yourself what you want them to say about your home.

When taking pictures, use shots that show how practical and functional your house is for renters. A large courtyard, separate living spaces, bathrooms, and kitchens, as well as the surrounding area—these shots will provide a sense of the environment if someone decides to rent your home.

Price it Right

When in doubt, ask a real estate agent or your property solicitor what an acceptable price is for each room.

Although a lot less than the total price of the house, the amount you choose for each room should cover all the expenses related to the property.

Don’t Rush

Typically, real estate agents see an influx in requests for flat and house shares toward the start of the academic term in larger cities. So list early so you can find the right tenants. You don’t want to end up with too many empty rooms.

Got Legal Questions Regarding Your House Share?

Contact Wembley Solicitors today!

Located in Middlesex, we specialize in all fields of the law, including tenancy and landlord proceedings. Call us at 020 3417 3700.

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