What Your UK Immigration Solicitor Wants You to Know

Complex, to say the least, the process of applying for UK visa tests your patience and even at times, your sanity!

Yet, for those who persevere, the result is great. You receive permission to come to the UK so you can move forward with your dreams.

So, how do they do it?

We offer some details that only a UK immigration lawyer can tell you.

Don’t Depend on What the Home Office Website Tells You

There’s limited information online, and what’s mentioned doesn’t even encompass the details involved in applying for a UK visa. For example, if you apply for a UK spouse visa, it states that you should satisfy the “genuine relationship test”. But this test involves providing ample evidence of your relationship, which means gathering a lot more paperwork. And that’s not something that’s mentioned on the site.

Keep up with the Changes

In recent years, various visa requirements were revised, and details were added. For example, with student visas, a clause was added through which students could stay in the UK for an additional two years after completing their degree so they can find work. Knowing what you gain from your visa will help in making your case stronger.

Take Care of Your Finances First

Think you can get help in satisfying the financial requirement of your visa? Might want to reconsider this move! Home Office asks for 3–6 months’ worth of financial documentation for any visa. If a large amount is moved to your account, it will count as suspicious activity and result in a visa refusal. Make sure your statements show no flaws.

Don’t Overstay Your Visa

Let’s say you overstayed for 2 days. That too will negatively affect your future prospects for gaining a visa. While a past visa refusal or rejection will not affect your future results (though it’s compulsory to add information for all refusals in your application), overstaying your visa will label you as an untrustworthy traveller.

 Need Help Applying for a Visa Application?

Wembley Solicitors in Middlesex offers legal assistance for all UK immigration cases. For further information, contact us today and book a consultation. Call 020 3417 3700.

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