When and How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Separation

Considering a marital separation or ending a marriage can be overwhelming for most people. Nonetheless, there are things you can do to soften the blow when you speak with your partner.

Here’s how you to have a conversation with your partner about parting your ways through either a divorce or a separation.

Right Time and Place

Pick a place with absolute privacy to ensure that there are no interruptions. Looking your partner in the eyes to tell them the sad news should not be underestimated. It goes without saying, but having this conversation in front of the children is not recommended.


Don’t Beat Around the Bush

Once you’re sure about your decision, don’t waste time. Be calm but assertive, ready to answer any of your partner’s questions like why you want to end things?

Don’t leave until they know what your reasons are and what you’re feeling. This probably will be an emotional experience for them more than it’ll be for you. So a display of empathy and closure is crucial at this time.

Avoid  Arguing

Your partner’s likely emotional response may cause you to argue or vent – but we advise that you don’t. Try to stay calm and collected if the conversation gets dicey. Articulate your reasons for ending things and avoid petty arguments, especially about the past.

Be Honest

Be respectful by being honest.

Don’t lie about why this is happening. Lying will only complicate things later on if you mean to spare your partner’s feelings. This will help them avoid making the same mistakes in their future relationships. Be sure to not be rude while trying to be firm and honest.


Stick With It

Now that you’ve expressed your desire to legally separate and subsequently end the marriage make sure they know this is for good. Obviously, if things have come to this, you already know there’s no hope. Make sure they know that too.

Maintain your conviction and be clear about it. If they feel the slightest hesitation on your part, they will always hang onto that glimmer of false hope of getting back together. The last thing you want is to toy with their emotions by keeping them on the hook with hopes of patching things up.

Separation is painful, yes. But being unhappy by staying in the relationship is worse – for you and your partner.

Professional Assistance

Maybe you just can’t bring yourself to tell your partner what’s going on, or you feel too emotional over getting divorced or separated. You may need help getting through that conversation. Seek out professional help to get a legal separation from family law solicitors in Wembley.

At Wembley solicitors, we operate as separation and divorce solicitors in Middlesex ,London, and Wembley.

We can help you navigate the UK divorce and separation laws without any hassle. Call now.


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