Who Should Make The Arrangement Decisions For Children, Parents Or Court?

If two people have decided that they don’t want to live with each other anymore, it is crucial that they make sensible decisions for the custody of their dependents—in this case, the kids. While it is important for kids to understand the reason behind the divorce, it is also very essential that they keep living in a healthy environment where they know that they’re loved and cared for.

The question that is it appropriate for the court to decide who the child should go to has been long standing. Most people believe that the court can’t do a proper job. This means that the jury—more often than not—won’t understand the dynamics of a family. However, families that may be going through an emotional wreck at the time of the divorce may also not be able to think through clearly.

What can we do in this scenario?

Looking At The Suitability Of The Court

Let’s be honest: courts are formal and scary places for most of us.

For kids, especially, it is very unfair for their own development to subject them to never ending debates about a relatively scary divorce and witnesses their parents fighting over the arrangement. The court, in itself, is pretty much removed from the child—they may not be very empathetic. It works as a mediator and can only grab bits and pieces of the child’s world.

In the case of making suitable arrangements for the child, it is safe to say that the court lacks the emotional capacity to do so.

Can Parents Be Reasonable?

Here, we’ll have to assume that both the parents are reasonable enough to make the right parenting choices—whether they choose to co-parent or give the full custody to one of the partners.

If parents are able to decide on one arrangement for their child, they should definitely do it and should be able to stick to it throughout their life. They know their kid better than anyone else and can make the right call—especially at a time when the kid is of legal age.

Here at Wembley Solicitors, our family law solicitors are expert in dealing with cases of family laws and divorce arrangement. Get in touch with us at info@wembleysolicitors.com for advice on legal matters.

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