Why Boundary Disputes Get Tricky

It’s nice having a neighbour, but have you ever had a boundary dispute with one? Boundary disputes between neighbours happen all the time. And a lot of times, they can get ugly.

These battles are fought in the court of law, and necessitate the presence of an experienced legal professional.

The Troubles You Can Face

Trespassing is tricky because you could do it accidentally and still get into trouble. Then you have the parting wall—who owns the thresholds? Sometimes, something as small as painting the fence can balloon into a severe quarrel. Don’t believe us? Watch this. Or this.

Additionally, right to light and rights of way are also disputed at times. Even if your neighbour erects a treehouse that blocks natural light from coming into your house, you can drag them to court. There’s adverse possession, through which a person who occupies (and not owns) a piece of land can have the same rights as the owner—and you may not even know it.

Finally, there’s nuisance—and yes, if your neighbour does not like that you’re blasting Backstreet Boys at eleven in the night, they can subject you to legal hell.

Fighting the Neighbour

Throwing punches is a terrible idea. Your neighbour might be a weight-lifter—or he could file assault charges against you. What you need to do is this:

  • Gather documents such as title deeds, planning applications, old photos of the property, etc.
  • Get a specialist surveyor to plan a report of the boundary wall
  • Now take your evidence and try explaining that the issue needn’t be an issue to your neighbour. In the event that they don’t understand, though…

Facing Such a Situation?

Is a neighbour taking you to court for painting the fence or for playing Mozart and not Beethoven? You have two options: use headphones, or get a lawyer. You can find a good one at Wembley Solicitors. Get in touch with us today. Let’s draw the line and resolve this boundary dispute of yours.

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