Why Hiring a Child Custody Solicitor Is a Smart Move

Most people fail to take into account the effects that divorce can have on the mental wellbeing of their children. According to research conducted back in 2001, children of separated parents were at an increased risk of:

  • Suffering from behavioural problems
  • Needing more medical attention
  • Reporting symptoms of depression
  • Poor academic performance

In majority of these cases, people turn to family law solicitors. Here are some benefits of hiring a child custody solicitor:

Familiarity with the law

A solicitor has extensive knowledge of the legal system. They understand all legal intricacies.

There are many forms involved in divorce and child custody lawsuits and filling those forms inaccurately or missing important deadlines can result in you losing the case. Having a professional by your side means you get represented well.

Knowledge of courtroom procedures

In case you are not able to reach a settlement and your case goes to a judge, a child custody solicitor will have the skill to present your case in a positive light. Their knowledge of courtroom procedures will help them stay prepared at all times.

Your children’s needs are their first priority

In child custody cases, the interests of the child are the highest priority. An experienced child custody solicitor will help you come to an agreement, which is beneficial for all parties involved.

They understand that divorce cases can be very stressful and go on for a long period. They aim to create an agreement, which allows you access to your child.

Set up child support

A major benefit of hiring a child support solicitor is that they help negotiate an agreement with your ex so that they pay sufficient amount of money for child support.

The following things need to be kept in mind when it comes to child support:

  • Will the parent be able to support financial needs of the child?
  • Will the parent be able to provide the child with basic necessities?
  • Which parent will be better able to take care of the child?

Without a professional at your side, your spouse can end up paying less than they should.

Experience with negotiation

It is on rare occasions that a child custody case goes to a judge. Usually these cases are settled outside of court with parties negotiating a settlement.

The process of negotiation involves both parties along with their legal representatives. A solicitor can help you negotiate a higher amount. They ensure that you get everything that you need. They also make sure that there is no violation of your rights.

Our team of family law solicitors help ensure that your divorce does not affect your children. We make sure that we address all the problems related to child custody, after divorce, in a professional manner. Call us at 020 3417 3700.

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