Why Separating Couples Suffer from Depression during Divorce Proceedings

Divorce is inherently challenging for the people involved in this procedure. But when you add depression to the mix, things take a turn for the worse. Research has shown that in 2018, there were 90,871 cases of divorce in the UK, which was a decrease from 2017. 

Life after divorce is an adjustment period in which you’re already experiencing a wide range of emotions. It’s not surprising that couples become depressed during an event that’s as disturbing as a divorce. Here’s all you need to know about the connection between divorce and depression.

Image File: man-mourning-despair-pain-wooden-floor
Image Alt Text: A man sitting hunched while mourning

How Depression Affects Marriage

Lack of Contribution

The extent of a person’s depression determines their behaviour towards their spouse. They can either sleep excessively or very little. Similarly, if your spouse is depressed, they might either engage in overeating or experience a loss of appetite.

They can also have trouble focusing or interacting with others if their condition runs deep. People who are depressed might even feel responsible for failing to contribute to a situation or relationship. But since they can’t bring themselves to try, it can make their partner feel obligated to pick up the slack.

Increased Resentment

If there are children involved, this one-sided effort can make a partner feel like they’re being taken for granted. It can increase frustration, exhaustion, and resentment towards the one who’s depressed.

Since a lack of interest in activities is a common symptom of depression, it can further irritate a person living with a depressed spouse. It can also make them feel like their spouse doesn’t care about them anymore. As time increases and the condition gets worse, it can widen the distance between the spouses.

Is Depression Inevitable in Divorce?

Consequences of Depression

You may think that depression leads to divorce, but that’s not entirely true. If you don’t address these symptoms, the consequences of this untreated condition can lead to divorce, among other outcomes.

For example, a person who’s depressed might stop working or look at other people to make themselves happy. The consequences of these actions can prompt people to file for a legal separation.

Understanding how depression affects your spouse, determining its cause, and openly communicating can help you address this state. In either case, getting professional help is necessary to treat depression.

Pre-Existing Depression

The risk of divorce is known to increase if one partner already suffers from some kind of mental distress. But if both partners have the same level of depression, the probability of them divorcing is lower. This is because they can relate to their partner’s struggles and understand each other much better than a person who doesn’t go through similar challenges.

Looking for a solicitor focused on judicial separation? Wembley Solicitors deals with cases related to family law, children law, UK immigration, hit and run accident claims, commercial lease, and more. Speak to one of our specialists today for expert legal guidance in Middlesex, Wembley.

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