Why Some People Do NOT Claim Compensation for a Personal Injury

Here, at Wembley Solicitors, we’ve literally handled hundred plus cases of personal injury claims, and may we add – successfully.

Often times, we see clients coming to us in lot of pain and agony, seeking our help to successfully make a claim for their losses. They are furious and angry… sometimes too angry and we actually have to calm them down and assure them of every help we can provide to get them the compensation they deserve.

But sometimes, we also come across clients who want to claim compensation for a personal injury but are reluctant, hesitant or afraid to do so.


Many, but all of them completely unfounded…especially if you look from an expert’s perspective.

They fear the court process

Let’s be honest, anything that involves court, stirs nervousness in people. Everyone wants to avoid being involved in court proceedings. Some fear they won’t be protected by the law, some are afraid they will be publicly defamed if they lose the case etc. etc.

Take our word, nothing of this is true.

The law is there to protect you and it will protect you if you are in the right. As for the court proceedings, most personal injury claims are settled outside the court, so you don’t even have to worry about that as well.

They think it’s too late to make a claim

Now this is something which we see in many cases. A client is injured in an accident. Takes time to recover from the injury. And by the time they fully recover, they assume it’s now too late to make a claim.

Most personal injury claims are valid up to a period of three years from the date of accident. So, it’s never too late to make a claim.

They fear their employer will fire them from the job

We fully understand the concern, but employers can’t legally dismiss or treat their employees badly for filing a personal injury claim. If they do that, they will be acting against the law.

Besides that, employers are required by law to insure their employees against the risk of accidents. In case of an injury, it’s the insurance company that pays the compensation and not the employer. So try approaching your employer, they may even help you file a claim.

They can’t afford the cost of bringing an injury claim

All legal proceedings are expensive and personal injury litigations are no exceptions. However, majority of personal injury solicitors offer a no win no fee arrangement, and the fee is usually a small percentage of the total value of the claim. You don’t really need to worry about the cost.

If you’ve sustained an injury due to the fault of someone else, don’t sit quiet; claiming a compensation is your right and the UK law is there to make sure you are justly compensated for the loss you’ve suffered.

Do you have a personal injury case that you would like to discuss? Feel free to reach out; our UK personal injury solicitors will be happy to help you.

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