The 6 Most Common Reasons Why People Get Divorce

Heated arguments between couples are normal. Couples fight and patch up again. However, this doesn’t mean that you can ignore relationship issues are the cause of these arguments. When coupes don’t realize issues that are underlying in their relationship, they often split.

Here are a few common reasons why couples get divorced:

Marrying for the Wrong Reason

When the foundation of the marriage is weak, it is more than likely to end up in divorce. Many couples get married because they have spent a lot of money on building a home together or it seems like the only next stage in their relationship.

Marriage should always be a healthy choice. The couples getting married should always think about the alternatives in their life, and then choose wedding as one of the options. It is a lifelong matter, so couples should ensure that wedding is a choice rather than an impulsive or compulsive decision.


Adultery may very well be the most common reason why couples get divorced, and unfortunately is becoming quite common in the UK. Around 45% of men and 23% of women cheat on their spouses.

It can be really traumatic experience and often leads to divorce.

Financial Problems

Money is greatly impacts the lives of families since virtually everything revolves around it.

When coupes don’t have the same financial goals, there can be quite a big power struggle in the house, which leads to straining of the relationship.

Constant Arguments

A couple that has the same argument again and again is more likely to end up separated. This is because having constant arguments means that there is lack of communication between the two. When this happens, the couples start to feel that they are being taken for granted and not being heard.

A couple such as this finds it hard to understand each other’s view, which is why a serious dispute without any resolution often leads to separation.

Addiction Issues

Addiction is something that almost certainly leads to divorce, if it is not controlled in time. This is because when an individual is under influence, they often have unreasonable behaviour, which is something that no one puts up for very long.

Even after multiple warnings, if one of the partners fail to cure his/her addiction, the result is often a divorce.

Lack of Intimacy

When intimacy dries out of the marriage, partners usually end up looking for someone a bit more exciting.

Intimacy is not entirely related to sex. It comes from holding hands, impromptu kisses and hugs and most importantly, having emotional support.

If these things go missing, couples will only be stuck in predetermined roles without any passion or a sense of purpose.

If things do fall apart, it is better to both partners to accept it and move on. However, consulting a solicitor is something that mustn’t be ignored. Divorce can be very expensive and can destroy one of the two financially.

Get in touch with us for any sort of divorce solicitation.

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