An Overview of the Asylum Process in the UK

If you want to settle in the UK as a refugee, you have to apply for asylum. Of course, as this visa is reserved for persons who are unable to remain safely within their home country, it’s not available to people looking to work or study in the UK.

Wembley Solicitors employs skilled teams of visa lawyers in the UK who have an intimate understanding of British immigration law. Check out our blog post detailing how they can assist with immigration appeals in the event of a rejected application.

If you are hoping to enter the UK as a refugee, working with our team can help you foresee and prevent some common reasons for refusal.

Are you Eligible?

To be considered for asylum, you must be under threat of persecution in your country. You also must prove that you have attempted and failed to acquire legal or police protection. This can be due to:

  • Racial discrimination
  • Your religion
  • Your nationality
  • A political stance
  • Your gender or sexual orientation
  • The political, cultural, or social environment in your country

You might not be considered eligible if:

  • You’re an EU (European Union) national
  • You already have residence in a safe country (that you’re not a citizen of)
  • You have a connection, perhaps familial, to another country where you could claim asylum

However, in special cases, immigration lawyers could help you show cause as to why you’re still in need of settlement in the UK.

The Documentation

The application process will include detailed paperwork as well as documentation. If you cannot provide any of these things, you should get in touch with a UK solicitor to inquire about the best course of action.

The necessary documents include:

  • All passports and travel documents
  • Police registration certificates
  • Your identity card (if you have one), birth certificate, and marriage certificate
  • Any supporting documents for claims you may make in your application

The Benefits of Working with an Immigration Solicitor

The United Kingdom supports asylum applicants’ rights and has a fairly straightforward process. However, as someone not well-versed in British law and policy, you’ll be well served by legal counsel that can outline the UK immigration essentials.

You also need to understand your legal responsibilities to comply with as an applicant to have the best chance of success. Any missing documents or improper paperwork could be cause for rejection, in which case your only option would be an immigration appeal. Immigration solicitors could help you sidestep the common pitfalls of the asylum process.


Wembley Solicitors has a dedicated team of immigration solicitors who understand the precarious position that refugees are in. We can help you put together legally sound paperwork and make sure your case is fully outlined in your application.

However, if you don’t think you meet the eligibility requirements for asylum, we can also help you apply for a student visa, a work visa, or a spouse visa. Drop us an email at or fill out our enquiry form, and we can help you understand the main types of visas available for the UK.

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