Pet Custody: When Things Get Scratchy, a Lil’ Bitey During Divorce!

For some, it’s just a cat or dog; for others, they are an important part of their family.

It, therefore, comes as no surprise that pets today form one of the most fiercely contested aspects of settlement negotiations during divorce proceedings.

In the past year, nearly 30,000 divorce cases brought to the UK family courts involved a dispute over pets.

Those are serious numbers.

Whilst in Hollywood, we’ve seen the likes of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp and Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal go canine over the custody of their dogs, with either celebrity refusing to back down.

What can be done to avoid such fights in the courtroom?

The solution is simple and typically comprises an “eleven-page” long agreement, which details specific arrangements for pets in the event that a couple may legally separate.

We’re talking about petnups!

Petnups have existed as part of the UK’s legal framework, and other countries in the world, for some years now.

The first ever petnup in the UK was launched in 2014 by Blue Cross.

A petnup is just like a prenuptial agreement, but one drafted for pets. It works the same way and is legally enforceable.

The Law Society also suggests couples to enter into a petnup.

Why not just rely on courts to make an unbiased decision regarding the custody of pets?

That’s because, courts in the UK treat pets as “chattels”, items that are owned. As a result, they often make decisions based on who owned the pet or paid for their adoption, and not based on their welfare or wellbeing.

Are you tying knots with the love of your life? Do you need help with drawing up a petnup agreement?

Contact Wembley Solicitors today!

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