What is the Average Personal Injury Accident Amount that You Can Claim

The amount that you can claim with a personal injury or an accident claim is different in every case. Therefore everyone can only calculate and get a rough idea of what they might get in damages. The best way to narrow down a figure or a range is to consult an expert solicitor with experience.

The amount that you can claim with a personal injury or an accident claim is different in every case. Therefore everyone can only calculate and get a rough idea of what they might get in damages. The best way to narrow down a figure or a range is to consult an expert solicitor with experience.

The Average Amount Compensated

One of the first things any lawyer gets is how much money one can make from a Personal injury accident claim. These compensations are only given so that a person is able to get back to the routine life they were used to before the incident happened. These compensations only exist so that one can get back to where they were before the accident, therefore all pocket expenses are recovered depending on the pain and suffering that was caused by the injuries. It is your job to ensure that you get the maximum amount which you are entitled to by law.

However, the standard amounts that can be claimed for injuries are set by the Judicial Studies Board; they list this for common accidents as well. The amount of compensation here then ranges from £1000 which is for a moderate whiplash to up till £100,000 for extreme injuries like neck injuries.  When you know where you are within that scale, it becomes automatically easier to ascertain how much you are in for with your claim.

How to Claim for Personal Injury Accident

In order to be able to process a claim legally you have to be over the age of 18 years old. In case you are under 18 you can have a family member or a close friend be your ‘litigation friend’ in the legal process. It is with the litigation friend that the details of a case are discussed. This person will be asked about the details of an accident, which means the person with the injury has to relay every bit of information to the litigation friend. In case the driver who was involved in the accident cannot be found, make a claim against the Motor Insurers Bureau, as it is held accountable to pull the claim through.

How to Not Contribute to Damages Incurred by Self

In order to make sure that your claim is taken seriously and your actions or inactions are not treated as a basis to reduce the damages, here is what you should do. Get all the details of a third party including the vehicle number plate and contact details.

Make sure that you call the police and inform them of the incident. If there is any dispute between the cause and fault of an accident, or if you are in any danger to yourself and the other people on the road, this point becomes more important.

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